Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Many homeowners confused on tree damage rules

While most consumers are aware that home insurance policies cover damage to their property resulting from fire or wind, a recent poll finds many are unclear regarding tree damage.

A recent survey conducted by PEMCO Insurance asked consumers what would happen if a tree planted in a neighbor's yard fell and caused damage to their home.

The company says 82 percent of respondents incorrectly answered that their neighbor's insurance company would pay for the claim. In reality, the company says that the incident would likely fall under a homeowner's own insurance coverage unless there was some kind of negligence on the part of their neighbor.

"With so few homeowners knowing the right answer, and wind storms so common in the Northwest, we have a great opportunity here to educate consumers," said PEMCO spokesperson Jon Osterberg.

Many Los Angeles-area homeowners have likely been asking similar questions over the past several weeks, after a powerful wind storm swept through the area earlier this month. The Pasadena Sun reports public sector damages from the storm are more than $30 million.

Source: http://homeinsurance.com/news/many-homeowners-confused-on-tree-damage-rules.php

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