Thursday, December 27, 2012

Questions Home Buyers Think About

One of the effects of the steady national rise in home prices is a shift in attitude by previously cautious consumers. It’s only natural to find more people focused on buying homes in Evansville while it is still relatively inexpensive to do so.

Homeowners who are listing their own local properties this winter are well advised to be mindful of those and other considerations bound to be motivating prospective customers. Buying homes – especially homes in a faraway locale – gives rise to many concerns. Positioning the way a home is marketed to anticipate those concerns can mean a sale to an out-of-town buyer on a local home-hunting trip.

Some of the questions out-of-towners are likely to be thinking about:

What are the neighborhoods like?

Why not do a little research into how potentially competitive neighborhoods compare with your own. If you don’t have small children, acquaint yourself with where kids go to participate in today’s popular activities, local playgrounds, etc. Have ready links to online resources that will help prospects connect with Evansville residents and groups. Assembling a menu book stuffed with tempting local eateries never hurts, either!

What will my finances look like?

Evaluating relative costs of living is already at the top of the list for anyone buying homes during the last few years. If the COL inEvansville compares favorably with a prospect’s current address, it should be smooth sailing. If not, there may be overriding personal or professional reasons why your prospect is interested in the first place.

What special logistical hurdles are there?

What if, for instance, your perfect home cannot be ready by the mandatory moving date? Knowing local temporary housing and storage options can make an otherwise ‘impossible’ move eminently doable.

Buying homes in Evansville presents a special set of challenges for out-of-towners. Being sensitive to how important they can seem to a buyer can only ease their path to homeownership. If you are planning to make this wintera successful selling season, contact me today. I’ll be eager to share many other tips to help make your sale happen! You can reach me on my cell phone at 812-499-9234.

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